Official voice of the Fur Takers of America
Official voice of the Fur Takers of America
Fur Takers of America
Fur Takers of America
Promoting Trapping Heritage Across North America
Fur Takers of America

Fur Takers of America

Promoting Trapping Heritage Across North America
  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

  • Fur Takers of America

    Fur Takers of America

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FTA Trappers College

Trapper's College

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About Fur Takers of America

Fur Takers of America, Inc. a non-profit organization, was founded in 1968 providing a national brotherhood of strength to promote and protect our trapping heritage all across North America.

Fur Takers of America (FTA) was formed in 1968 with the publication of their first magazine being in the spring of that year. The first officers of the organization were Wally Schmieg, Paul LeGer, Claude Cochrane Jr., John Parker, & Eddie Stephenson. The first convention was held on Labor Day weekend of 1968 in Smithboro, IL at the Ed Bauer Fur Company.  READ MORE

Fur Takers of America

Is Mother Nature Humane
Raccoon on limb
Is Mother Nature Humane?

When it comes to wildlife, many people feel that if we let nature take its course that all wildlife problems will be solved. This is true to an extent as Mother Nature will stop overpopulations of any animal from occurring.

However, just how is this done if nature takes its course and man does not interfere? Any animal, take foxes or raccoons for instance, is able to reproduce at a rate that the population doubles yearly; two, then four, then eight, etc.

Soon there comes a time that there are so many animals that there is not enough food to go around, or enough area in which to live. Some animals must therefore go. The way Mother Nature limits the number of any species is through disease, internal strife between the animals, or starvation.

Trapping Chronicles
   The Trapping Chronicles came to life after FTA contacted Chuck Sykes of the Management Advance Company to produce the first ever television promotion of trapping.
   Donations were received from across the country from trappers, associations, FTA members and their affiliates which made these broadcasts possible.
   The videos explain the use of trapping as a wildlife management tool, and how trapping helps play a large part in wildlife conservation.
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Kishel's Scents
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Kishel's Scents

Business Executive:
Cristina Jones - 908-982-8753

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